April 1, 2016
Originally Recorded March 2016
You asked and we answered! With the recent launch of Make-a-Map for BrainPOP Jr., this webinar is a perfec...
November 14, 2013
These 5 articles help demonstrate just some of the many beneficial values of game-based learning.
Five Video Games Your Middle Schooler S...
August 21, 2017
Introduce these key terms using easy-to-understand language and by relating the concepts to students’ experiences. Incorporate the vocabular...
December 3, 2012
Guest Blogger and BrainPOP Educator Steve Isaacs share his methods for incorporating game design into his classroom. You can find the post ...
March 9, 2018
Originally Recorded March 2018
Calling all K-3 teachers! Join us for a webinar exploring BrainPOP Jr.’s interactive features. We’ll cover...
November 15, 2013
Pinpointing the best digital tools for your students can be pretty overwhelming. Thankfully, there’s Graphite.org, a free service from the n...
December 3, 2015
Originally Recorded December 2015
Since its launch in 2013, the “Hour of Code” and educators like you have introduced more than 100 milli...
December 20, 2017
We're back with December's Certified BrainPOP Educator of the Month, Julianne Ross-Kleinmann. Julianne has been busy leading BrainPOP-focuse...
December 5, 2018
As a teacher, you know that engaging families in the learning process is a key component to reducing academic achievement gaps--and the rese...